Friday, February 4, 2011

Darth Vador on a Treadmill

Well I ran again yesterday… I thought I did really well with going .75 of a mile without stopping and running a full mile and a half. Then a girl who was working out in the gym asked me if I knew about focusing and breathing because I was breathing so hard. Damn IPOD. I mumbled an excuse about having asthma… but now I know I need to get my breathing under control and maybe that will help with my endurance a bit.  That being said I brought my gym stuff home yesterday, in hindsight that was stupid, to wash it and forgot to bring gym stuff back. So no workout today. Maybe I will try and do my yoga dvd tonight after devil baby is in bed.

Went out for dinner with m & s in law last night. They are draining. I know they don’t mean to be, but they are… I ate ok, had a salad with grilled chicken and broccoli cheese soup for a treat… but was dying for something sweet on the way home so I had a chocolate banana pie from Mickeys. How do I justify these things I really don’t know… wasted a workout though didn’t I? I forgot my own damn mantra... POISON POISON POISON! 

I read an article a few weeks ago that said that overeating was as addictive as heroin. It was a really interesting read and actually helped me for a few days in saying 'no' to all the crap that I would noramlly not just fill my face with but actually crave. That being said I should have saved the article and taped it to my forehead because apparently I forgot it while I was stuffing a banana chocolate pie into my gullet.

So tomorrow I step on the scale. I hope it's a good loss. Although somehow I doubt I am down the 20 I was hoping to lose before Jamaica. No bikini for me. Oh well, who ever said life was going to be fair??

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