Friday, February 4, 2011

Sleeping with the Devil

Tonight I have a Soccer game and a Ringette game. I have smartly decided to not go to the gym today for fear that I will in fact, kill myself.  Which is not my goal. Although I am starting to wonder if secretly it is my goal, what with setting my first fitness goal at a half marathon.  Who does that? ME, that’s who. Go big or go home. Poop or get off the pot. When I say go, you say fight… but I digress.

At work this week I’ve been “thrown to the wolves” for lack of a better term. Everyone is either on holidays or had a heart “mishap” and is at home resting. Like that’s an excuse?? So anyway, with my whole 2 months of experience I am rocking the joint. Although I will admit I do spend some time hiding in my office behind this HUGE screen emailing with my friends. I seemed to have lost my focus along the way somewhere and don’t know how to get it back. Why is it so much easier for me to focus on my weight, flab and poop issues (or lack there of) rather than writing about policies for Construction Standards??? Gee, I wonder. It does sound rather boring doesn’t it?

So last night after an hour of struggling to get devil baby’s “big girl” bed together and telling her what a big girl she is and really playing it up, she ended up freaking out at actual bedtime and in bed with us anyway. Raise your eyebrows, think what you want, but I love having her in bed with me… We talk, we sing, we play with each other’s hair and we kiss and hug. My mom laughs and tells me to watch myself since she will be sleeping in bed with me until she’s 16. I say bring it on! First of all, if she even likes me at 16 I will be happy. Soon she’s going to think I’m a stupid controlling embarrassing parental until and not want to be anywhere around me. As my friend calls her teenage daughter “the hobbit” since getting her out of the basement is a big deal, I don’t think I have anything to worry about. I will take it now, while I can get it.

After all once you pop out those babies, that’s really what it’s all about isn’t it… that’s why we work our asses off and go without sleep. Because when she looks at me and says “I love you too mum”, well that’s what makes my world go round.

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